Sunday 21 May 2017

Re: [Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights and New Arrivals, 5/13-19.

I have a chance to go birding at Biddeford Pool tomorrow morning and I'm wondering if you could please tell me where to get to East Point and which way to walk towards elphis Point thank you

On Fri, May 19, 2017 at 8:07 PM, 'Derek and Jeannette Lovitch' via Maine birds
<> wrote:
Hi all,
My observations of note over the past seven days included the following:
-1 singing RED CROSSBILL, Waterboro Barrens Preserve, Shapleigh, 5/14 (with Birds on Tap - Roadtrip! tour group).
- 2 Louisiana Waterthrushes, Jagolinzer Preserve, Limington, 5/14 (with Birds on Tap - Roadtrip! tour group).
- 1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and 14 Purple Sandpipers, Bailey Island, Harpswell, 5/15 (with Jeannette).
- 17 species of warblers in Biddeford Pool (East Point to Elphis Pond), led by 20+ American Redstarts and 12 Yellow Warblers but also including FOY Chestnut-sided (5), Wilson's (3), and Blackpoll (1), along with 1 Cape May Warblers, etc, 5/16 (with Jeannette).
- 3+ Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, East Point, Biddeford Pool, 5/16 (with Jeannette).
- 17 species of warblers, Florida Lake Park, Freeport, led by 15 Common Yellowthroats and 8 Ovenbirds, but also including FOY Canada (3), 5/17 (with Jeannette).
- 14 Warbling Vireos and 25+ Least Flycatchers. etc, Foothills Land Conservancy, Wilton, 5/18.
- 4 Gray Jays, 3 Rusty Blackbirds, 2-3 Olive-sided Flycatchers (FOY), etc Boy Scout Road, Rangeley, 5/19 (with clients from North Carolina and Florida).
- 1 Boreal Chickadee and 1 Mourning Warbler (FOY), Rangeley, 5/19 (with clients).

And my other personal first-of-years this week were:
- 1 Green Heron, Florida Lake Park, 5/13 (with Saturday Morning Birdwalk group).
- 1 Northern Waterthrush, Florida Lake Park, 5/13 (with Saturday Morning Birdwalk group).
- 1 Bobolink, East Point, Biddeford Pool, 5/16 (with Jeannette)
- 10+ Roseate Terns, off Ocean Avenue, Biddeford Pool, 5/16 (with Jeannette).
- 1 Swainson's Thrush, Biddeford Pool neighborhood, 5/16 (with Jeannette).
- 1 Bank Swallow, Florida Lake Park, 5/17 (with Jeannette and Zane Baker).
- 5 Alder Flycatchers, Foothills Land Conservancy, Wilton, 5/18.
- 1 Wood Thrush, Whistlestop Trail, Farmington, 5/18.
- 2 Eastern Wood-Pewees, Whistlestop Trail, 5/18.

 Derek and Jeannette Lovitch
 Freeport Wild Bird Supply
 541 Route One, Suite 10
 Freeport, ME 04032

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