Saturday 27 May 2017

[Maine-birds] Query: Upland Sandpiper-Plains/ stones/ phoebe

A group I am with, not birders, is planning to walk at the Kennebunk Plains, on June 6 in late afternoon. I am interested to know if the Upland Sandpipers are nesting there, rather near the beginning of the trail on Rte.99, this year. A non-birder stake- out for the walk said she did not see any, but they can be elusive.

Also, does anyone know the origin or meaning of the circle of stones at East Point Sanctuary in Biddeford Pool, on the ocean? It is intricate; probably obvious meaning to others.

A phoebe comment. Someone mentioned that a phoebe in her yard had 2 nests, if I recall correctly, then used one. I have had a phoebe making a nest on my porch light since early spring. It comes, however, only once every few days, as of 3 days ago, sits on the nest only to be gone for days. I assume it is a second nest, to not be used, but why does the phoebe keep coming back?  (to gets rest away from spouse? :-)

Yes, I would rather be birding.   Did see a TV on the ground, then struggling to take off, in South Sanford, the other day on my way home. Fun to see dozens of Chimney Swifts, both at Laudholm Farm, and the Sanford Lagoons (at their interesting open house…who knew what an extensive operation that is!.

Good birding,


Barbara Partridge Herrgesell
Sanford, ME

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