Monday 22 May 2017

[Maine-birds] Sandhill Cranes East Livermore

Hello All,

Was sent a photo taken today of two Sandhill Cranes on private property in East Livermore.  They have been seen here before, however only for a short period of foraging.

They no doubt breed nearby.  I would check any fields on Route 106 in Leeds or Livermore Falls or the North Road or perhaps River Road in Livermore.

There is a lot of good birding around there if they are there are not.  The bridge over the Dead River on 106 is a good spot for Yellow-throated Vireo.  Last week there were only Baltimore Oriole and American Redstart but a lot has happened in the passerine world since then.

I saw what I thought was a Sandhill Crane drone last week but when I got the bins on it it turned out to be an Osprey carrying a stick about 3 times its length.  They carry them like they would a fish and it extended both the bill and tail/leg profile to about the proportions of a Sandhill Crane.

Dan Nickerson
Freeport ME

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