Friday 19 May 2017

[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights and New Arrivals, 5/13-19.

Hi all,
My observations of note over the past seven days included the following:
-1 singing RED CROSSBILL, Waterboro Barrens Preserve, Shapleigh, 5/14 (with Birds on Tap - Roadtrip! tour group).
- 2 Louisiana Waterthrushes, Jagolinzer Preserve, Limington, 5/14 (with Birds on Tap - Roadtrip! tour group).
- 1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and 14 Purple Sandpipers, Bailey Island, Harpswell, 5/15 (with Jeannette).
- 17 species of warblers in Biddeford Pool (East Point to Elphis Pond), led by 20+ American Redstarts and 12 Yellow Warblers but also including FOY Chestnut-sided (5), Wilson's (3), and Blackpoll (1), along with 1 Cape May Warblers, etc, 5/16 (with Jeannette).
- 3+ Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, East Point, Biddeford Pool, 5/16 (with Jeannette).
- 17 species of warblers, Florida Lake Park, Freeport, led by 15 Common Yellowthroats and 8 Ovenbirds, but also including FOY Canada (3), 5/17 (with Jeannette).
- 14 Warbling Vireos and 25+ Least Flycatchers. etc, Foothills Land Conservancy, Wilton, 5/18.
- 4 Gray Jays, 3 Rusty Blackbirds, 2-3 Olive-sided Flycatchers (FOY), etc Boy Scout Road, Rangeley, 5/19 (with clients from North Carolina and Florida).
- 1 Boreal Chickadee and 1 Mourning Warbler (FOY), Rangeley, 5/19 (with clients).

And my other personal first-of-years this week were:
- 1 Green Heron, Florida Lake Park, 5/13 (with Saturday Morning Birdwalk group).
- 1 Northern Waterthrush, Florida Lake Park, 5/13 (with Saturday Morning Birdwalk group).
- 1 Bobolink, East Point, Biddeford Pool, 5/16 (with Jeannette)
- 10+ Roseate Terns, off Ocean Avenue, Biddeford Pool, 5/16 (with Jeannette).
- 1 Swainson's Thrush, Biddeford Pool neighborhood, 5/16 (with Jeannette).
- 1 Bank Swallow, Florida Lake Park, 5/17 (with Jeannette and Zane Baker).
- 5 Alder Flycatchers, Foothills Land Conservancy, Wilton, 5/18.
- 1 Wood Thrush, Whistlestop Trail, Farmington, 5/18.
- 2 Eastern Wood-Pewees, Whistlestop Trail, 5/18.

 Derek and Jeannette Lovitch
 Freeport Wild Bird Supply
 541 Route One, Suite 10
 Freeport, ME 04032


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