Tuesday 23 May 2017

[Maine-birds] MOWA continues, Flint Woods, Farmington

Greetings, birding friends! Today I finally got a good look at the Mourning Warbler that I've hearing singing in the same spot multiple times since the 18th.

The location is Flint Woods in Farmington. From the parking area on Titcomb Hill Road take the East Trail (right fork) and go left onto the Ridge Road trail. Listen for the bird in the regenerating scrub at the northeast corner of the reservoir, near where Ridge Road meets the Flint Connector trail. 

I'm excited that it might have a go at nesting. 

Still several Tennessee Warblers in the area also — I got one for a yard bird yesterday. :-D

Peace & good birding,
Scott Cronenweth
Farmington, ME

Begin forwarded message:

Subject: eBird Report - Flint Woods, Farmington, May 23, 2017
Date: May 23, 2017 at 8:52:50 AM EDT

Flint Woods, Farmington, Franklin, Maine, US
May 23, 2017 7:30 AM - 8:15 AM
Protocol: Traveling
2.0 mile(s)
30 species

Mourning Dove  2
Chimney Swift  4
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker  1
Hairy Woodpecker  1
Least Flycatcher  1
Eastern Phoebe  1
Great Crested Flycatcher  2
Blue-headed Vireo  1
Red-eyed Vireo  3
Blue Jay  1
American Crow  2
Black-capped Chickadee  4
Tufted Titmouse  1
White-breasted Nuthatch  1
Gray Catbird  2
Ovenbird  4
Northern Waterthrush  1
Black-and-white Warbler  1
Tennessee Warbler  1
Mourning Warbler  1     Today I visually confirmed the MOWA that I've heard singing in the same spot for the past several mornings. Walk out the Ridge Road trail from the parking area on Titcomb Hill Road. The bird has been near the northwest corner of the reservoir near the intersection with the Flint Connector trail. Will it stay and nest!?
Northern Parula  2
Chestnut-sided Warbler  2
Black-throated Blue Warbler  2
Pine Warbler  1
Yellow-rumped Warbler  1
Black-throated Green Warbler  3
Chipping Sparrow  2
Song Sparrow  1
Indigo Bunting  1
American Goldfinch  5

View this checklist online at http://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S37086960

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