Thank you all for your interesting answers. I guess it's made from Chinese domestic bird feathers, including dyed ones. I hope those folks quoted below don't mind that I did; just a few of the informative ones. How about collecting feathers from caged birds... must be OK too. Thanks for taking my question seriously....
Maine-birds is an email forum devoted to the discussion of birds and birding in the state of Maine. The primary function of the list is to provide an efficient means of reporting wild bird sightings in the state.
Friday, 31 August 2012
Re: [Maine-birds] Bird feathers from China -OT?
[Maine-birds] Pacific Loon in Cape Elizabeth
I went out for a full moon kayak with friends last night. We launched from Kettle Cove as the sun was setting and about half way to Richmond Island came very close to an adult non-breeding Pacific Loon. Bob Dawson Cape Elizab...
[Maine-birds] bird call id question
We heard some very unusual sounds in the afternoon~I thought at first I was hearing a neighbor's cell phone or something, but after careful listening, we are quite sure it was a bird, we just don't know what bird. The first sound was similar to someone playing some high notes on a marimba close together and rapidly, then there was a single loud croak, and more marimba like noises but with more of a pitch variance. ...
Re: [Maine-birds] Sandy Point/CMP resolution nearing
Hello All,I would like to add my encouragement to Derek's request for watering. That is critical for newly planted trees (you can tell by all the publicly planted trees and shrubs that are expired or in bad shape). Trees are putting out roots even into late fall and of course are suffering from the damage of planting no matter how well done. For even a small tree or shrub five gallons a week is probably minimal. ...
[Maine-birds] Long-Billed Dowitcher@ Eastern Rd
Watched an apparent Long-Billed Dowitcher this afternoon in the pannes off the Eastern Rd trail at the Scarborough Marsh. The bird was feeding in close association with two SBDO's which gave me great views comparing birds. The presumed LBDO was visibly larger with bulging "shoulder blades", a big round belly, quite noticably longer legs and bill. Although I had pretty good views through the scope, I couldn't make out plumage...
[Maine-birds] Fryeburg Today 8/30
Today on Harbor road there were 4 Baird's Sandpipers and 3 Semi-palmated Plovers. On McNiel road the Sandhill Crane was posing for pictures. Bob Crowley Chatham,...
[Maine-birds] very birdy
My bike ride was delayed this afternoon when I noticed all the bird activity in my yard. At least six bluebirds, mostly juveniles, some hawking bugs in the air--a new bluebird behavior for me. They were accompanied by at least seven phoebes, lots of chipping sparrows, song sparrows, savannah sparrows, a bobolink (they hayed today, so not much cover left around here), hummingbirds, goldfinches. At one point half the bluebirds,...
[Maine-birds] Sandy Point/CMP resolution nearing
Hi all, I am getting close to finalizing the agreement with Central Maine Power to mitigate the damage to the habitat for reorienting migrants at Sandy Point, Cousin's Island, Yarmouth caused by over-cutting in the powerline corridor this past spring, despite an agreement to minimize cutting here. I thought I would have an "official statement" to share by now, but we are still working on some details. ...
[Maine-birds] Warblers in Harmony
Currently have a small flock of juvenal YR Warblers actively hawking along the tree line. Also just spotted a couple of BTG Warblers and a ? Flycatcher. The flycatcher has a very distinct eye-ring, slender profile, and yellow/olive coloration below. Sorry, I have about as much confidence with flycatchers as I have with peeps and some sparrows. Yesterday a.m. a C Yellowthroat was working her way through the squash plants in our...
[Maine-birds] Chuck found a Chukar
Was in Brunswick for a meeting this AM and spotted two Chukars.
Have a great labor day weekend!
Sent from my iPhone... So please forgive typographical errors, message brevity and any strange word choices my phone decides were better than what I actually typed.
Maine birds mailing list
[Maine-birds] Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Hills Beach
BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER at Hills Beach, near the base of the jetty on the south side of the river mouth, associating with about 10 Semipalmated Plovers. Still present at 4:07 when I left, at low tide. Also present were 2 MERLIN harrassing a few of the thousands of TREE SWALLOWS. Good Birding David Rankin -- Maine birds mailing list
[Maine-birds] Re: (Maine Birds) Mount Desert Island Birds: Sand Beach to Otter Cove
Mount Desert Island Birds: Sand Beach to Otter Cove Sand Beach to Otter Cove 2012 , Hancock, US-MEAug 31, 2012 10:00 AM - 2:00 PMProtocol: Traveling5.0 mile(s)Comments: Maasdam cruise ship walks starting behind Sand Beach, over the beach to Otter Point. Today was overcast and windy but we still managed to pull a few birds out of the woods. Not many Warblers but great looks in the scope at a male Pileated...
[Maine-birds] Additional Highlights and Shorebird High Counts This Week, 8/25-8/31.
Hi all, A few additional observations of note from me in the past seven days included: -1 BLUE-WINGED WARBLER, 1 Cape May Warbler, 2 Philadelphia Vireos, and 1 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Old Town House Park, North Yarmouth, 8/25 (with Saturday Morning Birdwalk Group). - 1 Cape May Warbler, Biddeford Pool neighborhood, 8/30 (with Steve Howell). - 3 Red-necked Grebes and 1 White-winged Scoter, Biddeford Pool Beach, 8/30...
[Maine-birds] Stratton Island Banding
Slow-but Chat #8 yesterday and a Yellow-throated Vireo today. Slow, but sweet.
Banding courtesy of
Maine birds mailing list
Re: [Maine-birds] non-bird butterfly note
Thanks Jeff for this post, helping to ID the Long-tail I found in my veggie garden this afternoon. I captured a few shots. See one here on Flickr. Terry on North Haven From: Jeff Wells Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 9:31 AM To: Maine-Birds google list Subject: [Maine-birds] non-bird butterfly note Sorry to...
[Maine-birds] Bird feathers from China -OT?
Another dumb question. I recently saw a quail decoration with feathers in a gift shop in Kennebunk. It is made in China. It would be illegal in the US, as the feathers look real and varied, wouldn't it? What is the story behind using real bird feathers in China and how do they get them. They could be dyed, but what birds? Online it says something about synthetic feathers. I actually bought...
[Maine-birds] RE:(Maine Birds) Mount Desert Island Birds August 30 2012
Mount Desert Island Birds: August 30 2012 The Bar Bar Harbor , Hancock, US-MEAug 30, 2012 7:10 AM - 7:30 AMProtocol: StationaryComments: Matt MCCaskey from PA. A short stop before picking up the rest of the birding party. Bonaparte's Gull12 speciesCommon Loon (Gavia immer) 1Bonaparte's Gull (Chroicocephalus philadelphia) 2Laughing Gull (Leucophaeus atricilla) 9Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) 25Common Tern...
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