Wednesday, 10 October 2012

[Maine-birds] Clay-Colored Sparrow @ Riverpoint

Yesterday morning at Riverpoint, there was a Clay-Colored Sparrow amongst the many sparrows that flew in the previous night and Saturday night. 8 other Sparrow species present with Swamp Sparrow leading the way, but numbers were lower than Sunday morning where Swampies seemed to be covering the meadow. 3 Lincoln's Sparrows were good to see, but very few warblers present. A quick drive down to the pond at Evergreen Cemetary late in the afternoon was highlighted by lots of Juncos and Chipping Sparrows flushing from both sides of the road almost all the way down to the pond. White-Crowned Sparrows have been making a good showing in my yard, at work, and my brief stops in between.
Bird haahd,
Noah Gibb


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