I was a bit late getting back to MSI this rotation, what with the holiday and fog delays. Nonetheless, I arrived on the island Friday and it's been decent weather straight through, including being bypassed by the wee tempest that hit parts of Maine and Grand Manan last night (Sunday).
SHORT-BILLED DOWICHERS are daily with a few staying to feed. The largest flock that I've seen was about a dozen yesterday.
Also yesterday, there was a single SEMI-PALMATED SANDPIPER checking out our "Seement Pond".
The NORTHERN GANNETS have increased from the original singleton to three regulars spending considerable time perching on the rocks, among the Alcids. A rudimentary nest was observed amid the boulders, lending some support for the idea that these might be young birds, prospecting for future sites.
Also seen briefly today was a very disorientated looking ROUGH-WINGED SWALLOW that sought the safety of our roof. Perhaps it was a bit overwhelmed by the aggressive Terns.
Fortunately for the Terns, raptors have been staying away in recent weeks.
Some of the earliest chicks are showing quite extensive feathering.
BIRD OF THE DAY: a BLACK TERN trying to socialize with the Arctics. It's the first of that species that I've seen since about '05 when a couple were regular, unsuccessful nesters.
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