Friday, 5 October 2012

[Maine-birds] Monhegan Island 10/5 - BELL'S VIREO, RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD, OROR, etc

Hey everyone:

Last night's dreary weather kept a lot of birds on the island today. I came up with 91 species today: 15 different warblers and 11 sparrows including a Nelson's Sparrow in Lobster Cove. The number of falcons out here was also stunning: 6 Peregrines in the air at one time at Lobster Cove, 13+ Merlins constantly bombing around the island and a handful of kestrels to round it out. And of course the rarities:

BELL'S VIREO - found in the late afternoon along the Under Hill Trail. It flew in close enough that I could ID it naked eye but quickly took to further perch and only allowed a couple photos before departing. I wasn't able to relocate it after the initial sighting:

RUFOUS HUMMINGBIRD - have to give my dad props for spotting this Selasphorus hummingbird a couple days ago then getting great photos first thing this morning. Although it is very green-backed, there appears to be plenty of rufous coloring near the base of the tail, and more importantly r5 looks wide enough to be out of the realm of Allen's:

Orchard Oriole - this is an exceptionally late date for this species in New England:

Good birding,

Doug Hitchcox
Hollis, ME


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