Wednesday, 24 October 2012

[Maine-birds] Snow Bunting Biddeford Pool

Spur of the moment I decided to do a seawatch this morning, starting just before sunrise at the East Point Sanctuary in Biddeford pool and going until about 7:45. Lots of Cormorants were moving pre-dawn, in flocks of dozens to hundreds, and I estimated about 3,000 passed in the hour or so I was watching. Common Loons were also heading south in good numbers, maybe 70 or so passed while I watched, some going right over the point but many quite far out. Scoter and Eider numbers were down, flocks were only 2-10 birds, but there was a group of hunters on the water, so maybe they were scaring them off. Red-breasted Merganser numbers were also up, and a few buffleheads were winging their way south as well. 

The highlight for me, however, were two Snow Buntings that landed on the rocks on the point for a few minutes, initially confusing me with their calls that seemed to be coming from thin air. A Northern Harrier and 2 Peregrine Falcons also passed by, the harrier passing about 100 yards off shore and making no effort to stay over land.

David Rankin

Maine birds mailing list


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