Saturday, 6 October 2012

[Maine-birds] West Bath, Bath, North Bath - Oct 06

The morning started auspiciously with a Sharpie chasing two male Evening Grosbeaks out of our yard (I think that's what was going on.).  The yard, like a lot of folks', is loaded with P Siskins, Am Goldfinches and YBSapsuckers. 

The Buffalo Ranch was hosting no shorebirds, but nearby Bayshore Rd, from Hawkes Farm to the shores of Merrymeeting Bay was teeming with migrants.  This road has produced some great finds for me (Blue Grosbeak, Tennessee Warbler, etc.) and today came through again with:

Connecticut Warbler
8 drake WW Scoters flying in formation down Merrymeeting Bay
100s of sparrows - mostly Savannahs, followed by Swamp, Song, White-crowned, Lincolns.  White Throats and Juncos restricted to adjacent woods. 
1 Cooper's Hawk and 2 Sharpies.
BJ flock of 26 + several smaller groups

Brown Pt Road in Bowdoinham (end of road - Small Wonders Farm) was patchy;  some weed patches held nothing, others held dozens of sparrows and Indigo Bunting.  6 White Crowned Sparrows here and another Lincoln's.

On nearby Pork Pt Road, a big flock of Am Pipits (58 at least, probably more) were in and out of a field across the road from the Hops.  2 juvie Harriers had them somewhat unsettled.  Often settled on roadside to pick up gravel. 

I'll bet this morning's Merrymeeting Audubon walk at Green Point WMA (Dresden) was dynamite!

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