Sunday, 7 May 2017

[Maine-birds] Cattle Egrets, Yellow-throated Warbler, etc - Monhegan Island, 5-7 May

Hey everyone:

I spent an extended weekend out on Monhegan Island and managed to get some good birding in despite the continuous drizzle for the majority of the trip. I tallied 79 species on the island (plus a few more from the boat) with 13 species of warblers. Lots of Ruby-crowned Kinglets each day and I can echo Keenan's note about the mini fallout of Swainson's Thrushes on Saturday. Virtually no flycatchers or vireos but that isn't too surprising given the weather and slightly early dates. Daily highlights included:

5 May:
One Thick-billed Murre during the ferry ride out was by far my latest date for this species. Distant photo here:
and a full island list:

6 May:
Added some diversity with more migrants coming in. Despite being soaked, it was nice to see a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, two Orchard Orioles, and 11 Baltimore Orioles at Donna's feeders at the same time. Soggy bird photos in this day's list:

7 May:
Finally the sun came out and a good push of birds with it. As Donna reported earlier, three Cattle Egrets in the meadow were a nice surprise and a new island bird for me. A Yellow-throated Warbler was spotted by Travis Dow at his feeders on the 6th but I didn't connect with it until this morning. And an early Yellow-billed Cuckoo was today's other surprise. A few photos of these rarities are on this list:

Good birding!

Doug Hitchcox
Staff Naturalist
Maine Audubon
207-781-2330 x237

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