Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Re: [Maine-birds] Cherryfield birds

Hello  Jand S and thank you for following up on Tufted Titmouse in Hancock and Washington Counties. .  As I noted, the call of  my bird  on July 30 was not the classic peter-peter and because they are only recently more common ( or  seen more because of awareness and more binoculars) I also like to see the bird for confirmation.  I equate this call to a seasonal change in hormone levels or it is a wondering juvenile bird looking for a way home and as not heard about Peter yet.
I have records of Tufted Titmouse on MDI going back to the early 90's with a 1996 record in May. They have made the Christmas bird counts over the years,  here dependent on bird feeders for survival of our harsh Maine winters.  I am trying to find out if I have an any summer records which would help verify that they are  not regularly nesting  on MDI in the wild.  (Bird feeders excluded)  Any records or information would be helpful especially nest locations and confirmation.  I believe that they have always been a vagrant here  with these juvenile birds moving around listening for a ETTI, and not finding them. I typically have them moving in and out of a place quickly, like they are searching for a friend. 
Got to run,
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 10:41 AM
Subject: [Maine-birds] Cherryfield birds
Hello All,
Michael Good's post highlighting Tufted Titmouse reminded me to post a sighting of this species, first one I've seen in Washington County: This was yesterday early, on River Rd. just south of Rte. 1 (across from the Riverlily gift shop). After seeing Michael's post I went back just now to try to relocate it; saw a small plumpish bird of the right color, but never saw the head, so I don't know if it was the titmouse or not. The dirt road to the boat launch had many birds, mostly common warblers, but also a couple of catbirds and a Belted Kingfisher. Right at the boat launch there were 10-12 sparrows feeding along the edge of the tall grass, mostly Song but at least 2 Lincoln's. I am not good with sparrows, but I studied one pair closely for minutes, and don't what else they could have been.
Other places:
River Road between the bridges: Northern Cardinal singing a couple of days ago. I see them all the time in FL, but never singing--I had no idea what bird was singing until I saw it.
Below the dam (on "Dam Road"), across the river, there have been 1 or more Alder Flycatchers all summer; also a female Wilson's Warbler a few days ago.
Kayaking the Narraguagus River (above the dam) yesterday evening: Belted Kingfisher, Northern Harrier, Osprey, American Bittern, Common Nighthawk, common warblers and waxwings. One mystery bird larger than a robin, smaller than a kingfisher, grey-brown, flew across the river from and into thick cover; that one is driving me crazy.
Sorry about the belated reports, guess I've been a little lazy.
Joel Wilcox
Maine birds mailing list


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