Friday, 5 October 2012

[Maine-birds] Caspian Terns (Atkins Bay) and another wild flight (Head Beach) - Oct 05

2 more Caspian Terns (Adult and beggar) were in Atkins Bay this morning, vis from Green Point (think Wilbur Preserve).  As I watched, they shifted position a few times, reacting to the flood, then settled on the sand bar where gulls typically roost.  The Adult then flew off, up the Kennebec.  I might have been witnessing the long good-bye, as the young bird eventually flew off in the other direction. 

Head Beach and the adjacent village, were wild with birds this A.M.  Mostly 100s of Myrtle Warblers, but the Merlin show was also spectacular.In particular, the techniques used by diff species to avoid predation by the Merlins:  a Robin deftly sidestepped one attacking bird, looking like a matador in the process.  Most Flickers chose to perch high and keep a sharp lookout for charging falcons, but there was a constant stream of shrieks all morning long that I finally figured were cries of terror from these woodpeckers.  MODOs tend to just try and outrun the Merlins, preferring the pedal to the metal tactic. 

Other species included Palmies, B&W Warbs, Balt Oriole, many Sapsuckers, and Savannah Sparrows.  In adjacent coastal waters were Com Loons (one calling), 2 RN Grebes and a continuous stream of DCCormorants.  I later counted the latter over at Popham Beach for 10 minutes (only) because I had other things I'd rather be doing.  875 in that time span.  And there was no end in sight. 

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