Friday, 5 October 2012

[Maine-birds] Old Town House Park (N. Yarmouth) - Mourning Warbler, Vesper Sparrow, and other migrants

A nice, birdy morning at the park - highlights included the following:

Mourning Warbler - an adult male! No eye-arcs (it's getting late enough
that one should consider MacGillivray's) but lots of dark feathers in
the lores, beautiful gray hood, dark sash, and rich yellow underparts.
Near where the Ravine Path meets the River Loop Trail. A
textbook-perfect bird that was even sweeter considering I missed this
species in Spring migration and on a breeding bird trip to the Rangeley
area this summer. I had pretty much given up on it as it seems to be a
tough find in October, especially away from Monhegan or Machias Seal

Chestnut-sided Warbler - a fall female type - only a hint of
chestnut/smudge on the upper flanks below the shoulder

8 sparrow species including at least one (possibly two) Vespers, 3
Lincolns, 4 White-crowned (3 immatures and 1 adult) and lots of Savannahs.

Finches had a good showing, including a flyover group of 17 Pine
Siskins, at least 10 Purple Finches (about 1/2 were adult males) and
another flyover group of 20 finches (probably Purple, but not calling).
Other seasonal species included BH Vireo (2), Phoebe (2), Scarlet
Tanager (1), Winter Wren (1), good #'s of GC and RC Kinglets, some
Flickers, Palm Warblers, Common Yellowthroats, scads of Yellow-rumps
(not hundreds, maybe 30 or so), a catbird or two and a Hermit Thrush.
Raptors started picking up toward noon: 2 Osprey, 3 Sharpies, a Merlin
and a Kestrel.

Sandy Point (1st thing this morning) had a Magnolia Warbler (1st fall
female), a few Blackpolls, and a RE Vireo mixed in with the dozens of
Yellow-rumps. I did not see the Dickcissel today.

-Ken Klapper
North Yarmouth

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