Wednesday, 24 October 2012

[Maine-birds] Northern Maine Birds: Iceland Gull, American Coot, Collins Pond

There's been a substantial uptick in the numbers of geese and gulls and other waterfowl in the past couple days.  The prolonged period of southerly winds ended and a large high pressure is moving over the area and apparently bringing some new birds with it.

Yesterday evening, Collins Pond in Caribou was hosting about 1500+ Canada Geese which is about double the numbers we've been seeing recently.  Though there were no rare geese in the flock, I did spot an American Coot feeding among them.  This was a first for me at this location.  Also too, was a juvenile Kumlien's (Iceland) Gull with the 400+ gulls in the pond.  This was a new arrival for the season but right on schedule.

I visited Lake Josephine in Easton at lunch time and 8 Black Scoters and 1 White-winged Scoter were almost the only ducks on the pond.  Christina Reservoir in Fort Fairfield had a couple hundred Hooded Mergansers and a Lesser Scaup but not much else to exclaim about.

The sparrows have thinned out in my yard in Woodland, but Evening and Pine Grosbeaks as well as a couple Bohemian Waxwings were all present at sunrise today!

Good Birding


Bill Sheehan
Woodland, Aroostook Co., Maine

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