Not sure if many members of the birding community have been following this.
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Begin forwarded message:
From: Andrew Graham <>
Date: October 23, 2012, 10:07:47 PM EDT
To: Andrew Graham <>
Subject: Capisic Pond Meeting report
Hi All-A plan was presented that would expand the open water area of the pond from the current 2 acres to 4 acres. Part of the dredged sediment would be used to add low shrub habitat on the far side of the pond (see attached photos). The pond would deepened to 3 feet throughout, with a deeper area (six feet) on the far side by the dam. Cat tails would be removed on both sides of Capisic Street, and because the depth would be increased below optimum height for the cat tails, they would be unlikely to re-grow. The upper reaches of the pond (again, see map in the attached photos) would have minimal work done on it; the cat tail habitat would remain, and the stream would be left as-is in the section from Lucas Street to where cat tail growth begins. Overall the range of different habitats would be increased and the recreational and scenic value significantly enhanced. The folks who came to the meeting were almost unanimous in approving the plan presented by Zach from Woodard and Curran.The plan presented for the Rockland Avenue outfall, however, was not well received. While the Trash Capture Box, which would capture some trash and sediment, was not controversial, the proposed large eight foot deep pond to hold and filter storm water in moderate storms was not wet with approval. This component was sent back to the drawing board for more work.There was general agreement that we did not want signage or boardwalks in the Park, but that signage at the entranceways to the park would be an okay place for educational and historical signs. But not in the Park itself.The regulatory environment seems to be positive for dredging the pond as proposed appears to be positive. it is likely that the work would be done in the August to October time frame to create as little disruption to the birds and other critters as possible. The neighborhood may be asked to help with the turtle herding. Now that the concept has been received positively by the community, Woodard and Curran will assign a likely cost to the project to used as a placeholder in the upcoming CIP budget planning.Councilor Suslovic stressed the need to shepherd this project through the process. It will be included in the list of proposed projects coming to the Finance Committee from Public Services, but it must then be weighed against other projects, assigned a priority, and then receive (or not receive) a place on the to-be-funded and completed project list. CIP planning is now done on a multi-year basis, so even if it is funded it will not necessarily be done immediately.It is important to make the case that there is an immediate necessity to do this work to preserve this community asset, and that narrowly-analyzed decisions (widening the dam weir and the bridge to prevent upstream flooding) have had disastrous consequences for Capisic Pond. If steps are not taken now the pond will become a marsh. We plan to invite city councilors out to view the situation post-election in hopes of building a consensus that funding this work now is a necessity.Let me know if you have questions.Best,Andy GrahamPresidentFriends of Capisic Pond
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