hi Craig,Are the Gos or ww crossbills expected birds on long pond fireroad?Are there any landmarks or mileage numbers where one should look for these birds? I have never seen a Gos that was not migrating past some hawkwatch and would love to see one on its home territory . Thanks for posting! Best wiliam leighbridgewater vaOn Saturday, June 30, 2012, Craig Kesselheim <ckesselheim@gmail.com> wrote:> Hi all...
Maine-birds is an email forum devoted to the discussion of birds and birding in the state of Maine. The primary function of the list is to provide an efficient means of reporting wild bird sightings in the state.
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Re: [Maine-birds] Long Pond Fire Road, Acadia NP: N. Goshawk, W-w Crossbill and Ruffed Grouse
Read More :- "Re: [Maine-birds] Long Pond Fire Road, Acadia NP: N. Goshawk, W-w Crossbill and Ruffed Grouse"
[Maine-birds] Long Pond Fire Road, Acadia NP: N. Goshawk, W-w Crossbill and Ruffed Grouse
Hi all -- took a walk along the Long Pond Fire Road in Acadia NP this afternoon. Quiet and deep north woods feeling to this place.Goodies (all one apiece unless indicated otherwise): N. GoshawkR. GrouseW-w CrossbillW. WrenG-c Kinglet (family group of 3, at least one fledgeling being fed)D-e JuncoOvenbirdB-t Green WarblerCheers,Craig KSW Harbor -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds...
[Maine-birds] birds in sidney
Our phoebes fledged on Friday. I hope some of "our" bobolinks made it too. Thinking they did--no dawn bobolink chorus today (nor Friday, my husband reports--I've been away). Is there a correlation with fledging and lack of singing? Haying currently in progress. Would savannah sparrows be on their second broods now in the Augusta/Waterville area? Juliain Sidney -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com...
[Maine-birds] Longspur - NO - 6/30 AM
Despite coverage from 7 to 10 AM today there was no longspur to be seen at Biddeford. I also heard 3rd hand that it was not seen yesterday. Consolation prizes were an adult Little Blue Heron flyby and 4 Wilson's Storm-Petrels visible with binocs just offshore. Mike Resch Pepperell, MA -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds...
[Maine-birds] GB Heron maybe at sunset?
As we were sitting in the living room at dusk, we saw it gliding over toward our stream. It landed briefly at the top of a tree above the falls, but sailed off and down as I ran out with my bins. Its posture and size made me think great blue. Could it have been anything else? Do GBs frequent moving water? I ran on down to the stream bank, but found nothing, so had to be satisfied with a gorgeous sunset instead. -- MaggieHarmony...
Friday, 29 June 2012
[Maine-birds] Historic Pittston Farm
Six members of the York County Audubon Society met me in Newport at 7am
and we birded our way up Moosehead Lake to Historic Pittston Farm for a
three-day tour. The highlight was a pair of Black-backed Woodpeckers
foraging together on a logging road in Shirley. Great looks.
After dinner, calling Sora and Virginia Rails, a calling Merlin, and a
mama wigeon with eight babies completed a total of 76 birds so far. Plus a
mama moose...
[Maine-birds] Shameless self-promotion
If you should happen to visit the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens in Boothbay (and if you haven't, you should), I have an exhibit of watercolors there called Bird of the Week. A different bird all through the summer, actually begun in mid-May. Attached is the shameless part -- an e-flyer concerning the exhibit, with a couple examples. The gardens are beautiful and cover a large piece of real estate. They were...
Re: [Maine-birds] Longspur Updates Requested
My daughter and I tried for the Longspur yesterday (Thursday), from about two thirty until about three thirty, and were unsuccessful. As noted previously, it was seen at 9 am and at 4 pm, so I would say patience is key. On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 2:08 PM, <mresch8702@aol.com> wrote: Tomorrow I'll finally have a chance to try for the Longspur - updates (both positive and negative) today would be appreciated....
Re: [Maine-birds] Royal Terns, Cape Elizabeth, 29 June
I just got back from this spot and found no Royal Terns. I paddled there from Kettle Cove at 1:25pm and landed briefly on the beach. I observed about 6 Common Terns working the water along the beach and out over the Causeway, as well as a single Roseate tern. 2 pairs of Least terns were seen near the dune grass. All terns were in breeding head plumage. On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 11:56 AM, Luke Seitz <birdfreak007@yahoo.com>...
[Maine-birds] Camera Lenses
To Birders / photographers: Is there anyone out there in the greater Portland area that has a CANON 400 F/5.6L Lens?I am interested in purchasing a new lens for my Canon camera and this one is one that I am considering. My major concern is that it is not an IS and I am not getting any younger - sad to say - so I am wondering...
[Maine-birds] Baird's Sandpiper at Popham Beach - Jun 29
I know this is a whacky time to have this bird in Maine, and my photos will be sorely needed for verification, but an adult Baird's Sandpiper was at Popham Beach this morning in the lagoon. Smaller than a Semi-plover; dark legs; "chesty" plumage pattern (sim to Pectoral Sand); long, slim bill, very slightly tapered; wingtips well beyond the tail terminus, dark rump photo'd in flight, etc. I was there to find either Gordon's...
[Maine-birds] Longspur Updates Requested
Tomorrow I'll finally have a chance to try for the Longspur - updates (both positive and negative) today would be appreciated. I'm just coming back from a marvelous 12-day trip to Alaska (Anchorage, Nome, Barrow) so don't feel sorry for me if I miss the longspur. Mike Resch Pepperell, MA -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds...
Re: [Maine-birds] Royal Terns, Cape Elizabeth, 29 June
I should also add that Josh is currently trying to get some photos, and noted that the birds had very orange bills (as opposed to red, thus supporting Royal over Caspian)Luke--- On Fri, 6/29/12, Luke Seitz <birdfreak007@yahoo.com> wrote:From: Luke Seitz <birdfreak007@yahoo.com>Subject: [Maine-birds] Royal Terns, Cape Elizabeth, 29 JuneTo: "mainebirds" <maine-birds@googlegroups.com>Date: Friday, June 29, 2012,...
[Maine-birds] Royal Terns, Cape Elizabeth, 29 June
Josh Delcourt just called me - he is fishing from a small boat near Richmond Island in Cape Elizabeth, and is currently watching a pair of ROYAL TERNS on the mainland beach directly across the spit from the island. I'm pretty sure there is no access to this spot, but if anyone has a boat...Cheers,Luke SeitzFalmouth -- Maine birds mailing list maine-birds@googlegroups.com http://groups.google.com/group/maine-birds...
[Maine-birds] Killdeer
7:15 AM - I took my husband to work and almost ran over a mother and baby KILLDEER in the parking lot/road where big trucks are always coming and going! There were two babies, so cute and not able to fly. They sure can run though. The mother went up on a grassy bank and I corraled one of the babies over to its mother. Then I did the same with the other one which by then was way out in the lot. I got that one over to...
[Maine-birds] Unity scoter
I was surprised to find a drake White-winged Scoter at the south end
of Unity Pond yesterday. Maybe not too unusual considering the rains
Good birding,
Maine birds mailing list
Thursday, 28 June 2012
[Maine-birds] Chestnut-collared Longspur
The bird was still present at 4 PM.(Though it eluded me for the first half-hour or so I spent looking for it prior to that). Seth Benz...
[Maine-birds] Moosehead surprise
I had a couple of clients in the Moosehead area today and took them around for a bunch of warblers and northern forest birds. On the road to 2nd Roach Pond, we quickly scooped up a family of three Gray Jays, a few Boreal Chickadees, and Bay-breasted Warblers. But the best sighting of the day wasn’t a bird – it was my first-ever Canada Lynx. We converged from opposite directions on a logging road, unaware of our mutual proximity...
[Maine-birds] Re: (Maine Birds) Mount Desert Island Birds June 28, 2012
Mount Desert Island Birds June 28, 2012 Acadia National Park Great Meadow , Hancock, US-MEJun 28, 2012 7:40 AM - 9:30 AMProtocol: Traveling2.5 mile(s)Comments: Hand E Tauchart from GA for a morning of birding. The temperature was 60 degrees F Blue sky and patchy clouds. SW wind24 speciesTurkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) 3Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) 3Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)...
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