At dawn this morning, it was actually fairly clear. Radio was reporting Dew Point in the 60s. When I got there, there were literally zero shorebirds, either on New Sand I., or in the lagoon. I assumed they split for Atkins Bay at the crack of dawn. Thick fog then set in at ca 8 A.M. (This was low tide, beginning of flood.) Before that, I was able to make some obs on Least Terns and Piping Plovers.
Birds began to dribble into the lagoon in very small groups through the thick fog. But total numbers had never reached those of past several days when I had to leave at 10:07 A.M.
Highlights included the first probable Western Willet of the season, judged by its lanky structure, because color clues were not available. Also evidence of the third "generation" of Least Terns, with one bird sitting on eggs, one very recently hatched chick (eyes closed, unable to raise head), and the two half-grown chicks of a few days ago. Adults very defensive, especially against Com Terns.
Five Whimbrels foraging on Seawall Beach side of Morse R. Mouth before fog.
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