Tuesday, 23 October 2012

[Maine-birds] Weird Warbler

Birded Green Point WMA (Dresden) and Brown Point Rd (Bowdoinham) this morning. At the latter spot, I found my third Orange-crowned Warbler of the fall.  But this bird is very strange and I'm still working on it.  Photos are pretty good.

Basically, this bird has a very streaky breast, with sharp streaks all across the chest. It has WHITE undertail coverts, contrasting  with olive yellow rump.  The back and head are dead gray and there are sideways parentheses around eye.  However, the undertail pattern is totally wrong for Orange Crowned.  One flight shot actually shows small, white,  tail spots.  I hesitate to play the Hybrid Card, but am wondering.

Other birds included Grasshopper Sparrow, Harrier, Yellow Palm Warblers.  I was also snookered by 1 bird at Green Point, and 2 more on Brown Point Rd.  Very elusive and never seen well. 

BT Blue Warbler in our yard (West Bath), and an Osprey soaring over Dam Cove. 
Noticeable up-tic in White Throated Sparrows everywhere.

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