Phippsburg, Me Map 6 Sam Day Hill Road (also known as the dump road), west end
just past the dump on the south side of the road is a little tiny pond. On the edge of the pond are predictably alders and a bit fat berry laden Winterberry (Ilex verticilata). In that SINGLE holly shrub, I counted the following 17 species:
Blue Jays 3
Gray Catbirds 3
Hermit Thrushes 5
North American Robins 5
Northern Parula 3
Yellow Rumped warbler 4
American Goldfinch 5
Gold crowned kinglet 1
Red Bellied woodpecker 1 a real beauty!
Yellow Bellied sapsucker 2
Hairy woodpecker 1 male
Eastern Phoebe 5
White Throated sparrow 2
Song sparrow 3
Eastern Blue bird 7 5 male 2 fem
Pine Siskin 10
BC chickadee 5
all in a 15 min period, all eating the berries. Got great pics of many of them. There are several big old apple trees right near by and open field, so lots of mixed habitat. The birds were crazy! I loved the bluebirds! Oh, and the reddbellied WP was a treat, and the Hermit thrushes. The apple trees are riddled with sapsucker holes and the phoebes were pretty crazy in those trees too.
Then, I got home to 80 or so of the Pine siskins marauding as when I left. I had washed my dogs bed and set it on the deck to dry. The birds had peppered it with pooooooo! So, I'll have to do that over again. My dog says he doesn't care. Imagine.
Then (but, WAIT! There's More!), the gunfire started. Yup. Hunting sea ducks in front of the house, blasting Eiders to smithereeeeenes. That will go on through January, which my dog does mind.
Robin R Robinson
Birding The Burg
just past the dump on the south side of the road is a little tiny pond. On the edge of the pond are predictably alders and a bit fat berry laden Winterberry (Ilex verticilata). In that SINGLE holly shrub, I counted the following 17 species:
Blue Jays 3
Gray Catbirds 3
Hermit Thrushes 5
North American Robins 5
Northern Parula 3
Yellow Rumped warbler 4
American Goldfinch 5
Gold crowned kinglet 1
Red Bellied woodpecker 1 a real beauty!
Yellow Bellied sapsucker 2
Hairy woodpecker 1 male
Eastern Phoebe 5
White Throated sparrow 2
Song sparrow 3
Eastern Blue bird 7 5 male 2 fem
Pine Siskin 10
BC chickadee 5
all in a 15 min period, all eating the berries. Got great pics of many of them. There are several big old apple trees right near by and open field, so lots of mixed habitat. The birds were crazy! I loved the bluebirds! Oh, and the reddbellied WP was a treat, and the Hermit thrushes. The apple trees are riddled with sapsucker holes and the phoebes were pretty crazy in those trees too.
Then, I got home to 80 or so of the Pine siskins marauding as when I left. I had washed my dogs bed and set it on the deck to dry. The birds had peppered it with pooooooo! So, I'll have to do that over again. My dog says he doesn't care. Imagine.
Then (but, WAIT! There's More!), the gunfire started. Yup. Hunting sea ducks in front of the house, blasting Eiders to smithereeeeenes. That will go on through January, which my dog does mind.
Robin R Robinson
Birding The Burg
"On the internet", the dog using the keyboard reassures his canine friend, "nobody knows you're a Dog."
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