Sunday 18 June 2023

[Maine-birds] House Wrens

Starting back & thru March, I started having a m/f pair of bluebirds coming to the feeders. Unfortunately my neighborhood consists of Rt. 27 Wiscasset, soooo not quite the best area or habitat for a wide variety of birds. At least we have the regulars and RB Nuts year round!! I love watching them.  Example: this was only my 2nd ebirded checklist with bluebird at my abode. I've been here 8 yrs.
       It wasn't until April 28th that i put up a bluebird house, hoping maybe, just maybe they'd use it. I watched for a wk or so but no activity near the bluebird house. =  (
       I was birding the yard May 9th when I heard the unmistakable chatter of a House Wren. This was beyond exciting since I may of only possibly heard one at my house once, years ago. The wren stuck around singing every morning for over a week!! How rad is that? 
       May 16th and I figured I'd missed my chance to attract the frequenting Bluebirds so I skidaddled down to the bluebird house. I was almost there when I saw the Wren. He was carrying a twig 3x longer than it was.  Failing to get it through the nest hole in the bluebird house several times before it fell to earth. I was thinking how cool that was when a 2nd House Wren, exited the bluebird house. Un-fricking-believable!!! I've been trying to get a H. Wren at the feeders for 8+ years. I FINALLY do & it takes this Wren less than week... I love birds.
      For the next 4 days, it's more of the same. Nest building. Singing. I leave for work around 430am so, it was real swell hearing them.
      Then on May 21st leaving for work, I didn't hear them. Nor when I got home. Same thing for the next 3 or 4 days when I figure there was a chance that the bluebird house was a dummy nest. I was bummed but still thought it was ruthlessly awesomeness that I had 2 House Wrens hanging out!!!!!
      Almost a month later and I ain't heard a wren of any kind since the pair. Im in the backyard contemplating the length of verge, which now has an Amazonian look. As I was standing next to the bluebird house, I could hear this loud alarm call, a harsh chatter. I recognized it and saw the House Wren with a beak blown full of insecty treats. I took a second ro register, I was the alarm. I moved away from the bluebird house and watched as the wren made multiple trips feeding young. This made my spring!! But left me baffled with questions too. How have I not noticed them til now. Why haven't they been singing? Especially since they seemed ever so absent days after there were 2. Breeding thing, perhaps? I won't pretend to know but that wouldn't surprise me. Bluebird house is maybe 50 yards from my door and easy observable from the house. How did I not see them? If someone actually knows & understands this behavior, I'd love to learn, offline please. 
          Either way, this whole experience has been amazing to watch unfold. From pretty much no Wrens for 8 years, to this AM, I saw multiple visits back & forth to the bluebird house. It must be getting crowded in there, too. I can hear the nestlings now, very vocal after 1 of the parents leave. I'm hoping I have them forever now, every spring. But not counting on. Birds are great teachers, at times and I love being their student.

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