Monday 30 October 2023

[Maine-birds] Two unexpected sightings

Looked out the kitchen window after lunch and saw a big white patch under the feeder; grabbed binoculars - a juvenile Red-headed Woodpecker! It was a first for my backyard. It flew to the pine tree and then a later look found it eating the suet I'd thrown on the ground - a happy juveniles and a happy birder.

Yesterday while on a quick jaunt to Pemaquid Point for seabirds got caught up with a flycatcher flying around the buildings - an Ash-throated flycatcher. Had great looks but only an iPhone and flat light!! Tom Lecky was with me as we followed the flycatcher hoping to get a photo - also saw a common yellowthroat hanging on the shrubbery on the rocks.

Certainly a time for surprises.

Juanita Roushdy
Bremen, ME


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