Wednesday 12 August 2015

[Maine-birds] Frenchman Bay area

Wed. 8/12/15
Moderate fog this morning pushed Wilson's Storm-Petrels up into Frenchman Bay and several were seen right off the Bar Harbor town pier. A few remained in the bay after the fog cleared and one was off the Bar Harbor breakwater as late as 5:15 p.m.
All the Double-crested Cormorants have fledged from the Thrumcap colony as of 8/10. In both 2013 and 2014 Bald Eagles took most of the young but this summer eagle predation was much lower.
On Egg Rock both the Common Eiders and Herring Gulls were also more successful with minimal eagle predation. A few were taken but as of this date there are over 100 almost fully grown eiders and the same number of hatching year HEGUs.
Single Bald Eaglets were hatched and have fledged from the Sheep Porcupine and Long Porcupine nests.
Black Guillemots were carrying large marine worms to nearly fully developed young on the cliffs on Long Porcupine on 8/4.
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds started reappearing at flowers in Bar Harbor on 8/6. Feeders were reestablished and eight females and juveniles were present today 8/12. A hummingbirds (species?) flew over the boat about a mile offshore and was headed northeast on 8/10.
Non-bird: Monarch Butterflies were passing over the bay from Schoodic Pt. to Mt. Desert on 8/10.
We have updated our webpage with new nature and family pictures. Updates to the 2014, on the water, and eagle albums. Web address is:

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