Thursday 28 July 2016


I got back on the island late yesterday so haven't had much chance to look around but it's clear that the shorebirds are moving.
Of particular note are the dozens of SHORT BILLED DOWICHERS that are still around, intermixed with a few GREATER YELLOWLEGS.
Also of note were 3 or 4 RED KNOTS.
PEEPS are represented mainly by LEAST & SEMIPALMATED SANDPIPERS but I saw a few SEMIPALMATED PLOVERS & RUDDY TURNSTONES, a few (presumed) resident SPOTTED SANDPIPERS, as well as several uncertainly identified species.

There are still a lot of terns around,. Some of the fledglings are of amazing age. One beside our house that was on the brink of expiring, seemingly abandoned, has pulled through with renewed parental attention. It's now around 40 days old and still being fed. That's twice the normal time.

COMMON TERNS were scarce nesters but those that were here seem to have enjoyed decent success.

ARCTIC TERNS have had high losses, especially among the "B" (later) chicks. It seems that food is again a major issue. In the monitored nests it looks like around 50% mortality. That's short of last year's exceptional success but it's way better than the zero years.

Food is also an issue for the PUFFINS in what is shaping up to be a really bad year for them.
I'm told that a lot of dead PUFFLINGS are being seen and the survivors are grossly underdeveloped.
The outlook for them is not good.

There are also an unusual number of RAZORBILLS still on the island. On I brief walk along a small section of shoreline I saw 4 every small chicks

The MURRES, by way of contrast, are doing very well, including a 2nd wave.

Our SAVANNAH SPARROWS seem to be having a good year with lots of young birds evident from 1st & 2nd clutches.

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