Wednesday 22 March 2023


A week ago, this Monday past, we went, literally overnight, from a winter population of 5 SONG SPARROWS & 1 JUNCO, to dozens of sparrows and a handful of Juncos. On the same day I saw my first flock of CANADA GEESE (18).
Since then, those numbers have increased daily, while a few other species have started to appear: scattered ROBINS; a couple STARLINGS; a RED WINGED BLACKBIRD; a couple WHITE THROATED SPARROWS.
Over the weekend, the first Song Sparrow was heard singing.

PURPLE SANDPIPERS are still around but seen more around the shore and not so much around the lawns and houses. I wonder if the greatly increased songbird activity is the reason. I have noticed that Song Sparrows frequently object to the sandpiper's presence, seemingly seeing the sandpipers as foraging competition.

HARLEQUINS are still plentiful. I guesstimate about 100 are here.
A few RED BREASTED MERGANSERS are seen daily, although I think they are all migrants on brief stopovers.
EIDERS are notable for their total absence.

EAGLES continue to drop in daily and "our" RAVENS are present most of the time. (They likely sense that the seabirds (and accompanying meals) are soon to arrive.

RAZORBILL & COMMON MURRES have been rafting in modest numbers on most recent days. A handful scouted the island on one evening.
Late today (Wednesday) the ALCIDS rafted in good numbers and at several expected locations.
Somewhat before sundown, they began orbiting over the island en masse. Within the hour there were a few thousand ashore.
There will be landings of various duration over the next few weeks, culminating with the Razorbills & Murres being joined by the PUFFINS and the breeding season beginning in earnest. 

GREY SEALS continue to increase. About 150 were sunbathing on Gull Rock today.

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