I had a great group of birders on the Acadia Birding Festival’s boreal birding trip.
Bruce Deuce the Spruce Grouse delighted everybody in Lubec with good photo poses at close range, though we missed him at first. He was right over our heads, eating needles and we walked right under him. Twice. The Yellow-bellied Flycatchers were easier than usual, as the two nearest foraged next to the trail several times.
The Edmunds Division of Moosehorn NWR produced four YB Flycatchers, including one good poser. We had four absurdly shy Boreal Chickadees that called and called and refused to come out. Two Broad-winged Hawks, escorting multiple Bald Eagles out of their nesting zone, were a nice treat. The warblers behaved and we had good looks at many.
Some distant Razorbills (very distant) were a highlight at Quoddy Head.
At Roque Bluffs, two more shy Boreal Chickadees came in close, but stayed up in the foliage.
At a spot in Jonesboro formerly known as Spruce Grouse Alley, one Boreal Chickadee gave the best views of the day and…finally…a Gray Jay cruised in.
So was got most of the targets and had a fine day.
Bob Duchesne
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