Monday, 4 June 2012

[Maine-birds] Buffalo Ranch...after the deluge

When I saw 2 Ospreys hover-hunting over the field where the Buffalo Roam, I should have known conditions weren't quite right for shorebirds here.  I suppose you could say that the lower field is "out of its banks", with water spilling over the roadway.  Traffic cones indicate the road was impassable yesterday. 

But interestingly, a small colony of Marsh Wrens are pretty well established in the bushes (not reeds or cat-tails) between what are now two very large lakes.

I car-birded the perimeter of Merrymeeting Bay this morning, checking flooded fields for shorebirds.  Nada! Zero! Not even a Killdeer.  I was particularly interested in "Lake Fairwinds" on Brown Point Road in Bowdoinham, a spot that traps more than a few rare birds.  Zip!

When and if the Big Drain sets in,  these fields should yield some good birds. 

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