Monday, 18 June 2012

[Maine-birds] Maine RBA - June 17, 2012

Name: Maine Audubon Rare Bird Alert
Reporting Period: June 11 – 17, 2012
Area: State of Maine
Compilers: Doug Hitchcox

Noteworthy Species Mentioned:
Tricolored Heron
White-faced Ibis
Common Gallinule
Sandhill Crane
Little Gull
Glaucous Gull
Black-backed Woodpecker
Louisiana Waterthrush

York County

Three immature LITTLE GULLS were seen in a flock of 40+ BONAPARTE'S GULL off the western side of Lords Point in Kennebunk on the 17th during the falling tide. At least one bird continued with the increasing flock throughout the day.

A GLAUCOUS GULL was reported from York Beach, between Short Sands and Barn Point, from the 15th to the 17th.

Greater Portland

Highlights from the Scarborough Marsh this period include continuing WHITE-FACED IBIS and TRICOLORED HERON.

A LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH and a YELLOW-THROATED VIREO were seen at the Morgan Meadow WMA in Raymond on the 14th.

Kennebec River Valley (Augusta-Waterville)

A nesting LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH continues to be seen in Vaughn Woods in Hallowell.

A young SANDHILL CRANE was seen with its parents at Messalonskee Lake on the 10th.


On the 15th a BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER was seen along the Burn Road in Topsfield.

Northern Maine

Lake Josephine in Easton continues to hold nesting REDHEAD and a RED-THROATED LOON was seen here on the 11th. In the lower ponds, a COMMON GALLINULE was also seen on the 11th.

A BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKER was seen at the Water Treatment Plant in Sinclair on the 11th.

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