Thursday, 14 June 2012

[Maine-birds] Matinicus Rock - Maine Audubon Boat Trip, 6/8

Hey everyone:

Sorry for the delay but I wanted to share a trip list from the Maine Audubon trip to Matinicus Rock last week. The fog kept our visibility to a short range but the experienced crew of the Hardy Boat Cruises were able to get us close enough to the islands to get great views of the birds. Leaving from New Harbor we made our way out to Eastern Egg Rock before continuing to Matinicus Rock. Tern numbers were low, perhaps weather related, but the alcids put on a great show and in large numbers. The fog limited detection of tubenoses but one Sooty Shearwater did pass at close range on our way back. Returning via Eastern Egg we were treated to excellent views of Roseate Terns before returning to the harbor.

**If anyone eBird users on board have not received the checklists please let me know and I will be happy to share them.

Here is the full trip list:

Mallard (1; in the harbor)
Common Eider (113; low)
Red-throated Loon (1; fly-by at Eastern Egg)
Common Loon (13)
Sooty Shearwater (1)
Wilson's Storm-Petrel (47)
Northern Gannet (6)
Double-crested Cormorant (52)
Great Cormorant (6)
Osprey (1)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (3; Eastern Egg Rock)
Spotted Sandpiper (1; Eastern Egg Rock)
Ruddy Turnstone (7)
Semipalmated Sandpiper (1; Eastern Egg Rock)
Red-necked Phalarope (3; in wrack off the north end of Matinicus Rock)
Laughing Gull (337)
Herring Gull (169)
Great Black-backed Gull (82)
Roseate Tern (12; Eastern Egg Rock)
Common Tern (103; low)
Arctic Tern (215; low)
Sterna sp. (62)
Common Murre (32; mostly on Matinicus, one at Eastern Egg)
Razorbill (607; mostly at Matinicus; at least 6 at Eastern Egg )
Black Guillemot (332)
Atlantic Puffin (659)
Rock Pigeon (3; leaving the harbor)
Barn Swallow (6; leaving the harbor)
European Starling (5; leaving the harbor)
Cedar Waxwing (1; followed the boat for a few minutes after leaving Eastern Egg)
Magnolia Warbler (1; follow the boat for over an hour before we reached Matinicus; evading hungry gulls on the way)
Savannah Sparrow (1; Matinicus Rock)
Song Sparrow (2; Eastern Egg Rock)
American Goldfinch (3; leaving the harbor)

Good birding,

Doug Hitchcox
Hollis, ME

Maine birds mailing list


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