Friday, 15 June 2012

[Maine-birds] Messalonskee Lake - South end - Jun 15

Paddled the south end of Messalonskee this A.M., without seeing or hearing Sandhills.  Water levels seemed high.  A sandy island usually good for shorebirds in the SE corner, was showing no sand.  Dipped on Least Bittern as well.  But had record high (for me) numbers of Pied-billed Grebes and Wilson's Snipe.  Also listened to several variant calls from Virginia Rails, two of whom showed themselves along the veg edge.  Black Terns seemed to be divided into two separate foraging groups, one group east of the channel, the other west.  Prob 18-24 birds there at the moment. 

Several passerines were very scarce this A.M.  Swampies and Savannahs were especially quiet.  However, one could navigate by the Warbling Vireos at the boat launch.  

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