Sunday, 17 June 2012

[Maine-birds] Saxl Park, Bangor

Along with nesting Bobolinks. Savannah Sparrows and Tree Swallows at Saxl Park this afternoon I spotted a BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO flapping across one of the fields from some bushes to the canopy of a tall deciduous tree in front of the Dorothea Dix Center.  The vegetation at Saxl is very lush right now, the grass approaching 6' in some spots, and the birds seem to like it.
Species seen/heard:  18
Mallard - 2 (flyovers)
Mourning Dove - x
E. Phoebe - 2
Tree Swallow - ~6
Am. Crow - x
Gray Catbird - 3
Cedar Waxwing - 3
Eur. Starling - x
Red-eyed Vireo - 3
Yellow Warbler - ~10
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 1
Pine Warbler - 2 (heard)
C. Yellowthroat - 1
Savannah Sparrow - ~20 (males perching conspicuously to ward us away from nearby nests on ground)
Song Sparrow - 5
Bobolink - ~20
Am. Goldfinch - ~30
Sean Smith


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