Friday, 1 June 2012

Re: [Maine-birds] downeast scouting

Hi Bob,
I can tell you that there are a van full of excited ABF folks that are looking forward to your trip.  Looks like good weather may hold so a trip Down East would be a great experience for them all..  Thanks for your good work and great birding.  Peter T is keeping his fingers crossed  on SPGR .  Have a great couple of days and were looking forward to your list and smiling people. Your allowed to come south past Ellsworth.... so we hope to see you this weekend. 
The ABF bird list is growing each day with some respectable finds like Mourning Warbler as Sieur De Mont Spring (Casey Hynes was elated)) , Nelson's Sparrow in BH Marsh and several great raptor sightings to help round out two great birding days and photo ID workshops by Kevin Karlson and Dale Rosselet.   
The birds found during the next couple of days will round out the amazing reason why Maine is so important to migratory species across all taxonomic boundaries. The boreal species that Bob and his group locate are as uniquely Maine as the trans-Gulf Migrants and Pelagic species we are searching for tomorrow off shore in the Gulf of Maine.   Many thanks to the Bar Harbor Whale Watch Company and their support for a healthy Gulf of Maine ecosystem and the scientific exploration of the inter-coastal waters. 
All the best,
Sent: Friday, June 01, 2012 1:20 PM
Subject: [Maine-birds] downeast scouting

OK. I'm ready for the Acadia Birding Festival's all day van trip downeast tomorrow and again Sunday. A scouting stop at my favorite Spruce Grouse spot in Roque Bluffs turned up a male. It's not much of a photo, but I put it on the Maine Birding Trail Facebook page anyway: While watching the grouse, I was listening to Boreal Chickadees in the same spot. Then, while returning to my car – a hen with at least four tiny chicks popped up. 


A few minutes later, on Johnson Cove Road, I noted a Ruffed Grouse crossing the road. When I drove up to the spot, I saw an indignant male on the other side of the road, ruffing up his neck feathers and crest. I suspect that I inadvertently caused coitus interruptus.


While scouting Great Wass Island, there was a lovely Red Knot in all his breeding redness roosting in Alley Bay with 30 Black-bellied Plover.


Despite the success of this morning's scouting, I may still take the festival participants all the way to Lubec. I spent a terrific day with the Pollocks from California in the Cobscook Bay area yesterday and all three males were right on their territories where they were supposed to be. We didn't even have to try hard, and those grouse are more accustomed to people and often put on a performance. As usual, despite our attempts to keep a respectful distance, Bruce Deuce flew right down to our feet. I'm sure it was a boost to his already considerable confidence to drive us off so easily.


Bob Duchesne

Maine birds mailing list


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