I may as well add my limited observations for the Augusta -Vassalboro-Manchester-Messalongskee Lake area plus a trip to the Benton-Clinton area.
-- Here in my neighborhood along 8 Rod Road in Augusta, orioles appear i= to be in 'normal numbers'. Unless they are in the yard, I usually do not pay close attention after I pick up my first few birds each spring.
Like others have noted, they have quieted down but are still in the neighborhood up and down the road.
In May, I usually heard orioles each time I birded along Piggery Road on both sides of the road at multiple locations (about 8 visits). I was only in the Benton-Clinton area (Flood Brothers Farm and adjacent roads) one time and observed four or five flying across or along the roads at scattered locations. I also heard several during misc stops in that area.
There are a number of birds in open and closed forested locations in Augusta along the Kennebec River bottomland forests that run along Arsenal Road. Arsenal Road runs parallel to the river, passing by Maine General Hospital and ending up in the AMHI complex that houses offices for Maine state employees and patients at the mental hospital.
Although a subjective obsevation, I seemed to have encountered orioles more often at more location this year than in recent years. I had one very early arrival in April that stayed one morning, while the rest seemed to arrive in the yard a few days after observers were regularly reporting them.
Keep your ears open for call notes and short-song outbursts.
Happy birding.
On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 4:51 PM, <wtownsend@roadrunner.com> wrote:
The birdcam at my feeders in Bar Harbor have not recorded any Baltimore Orioles this year.
Check our nature, family, and other photos at: www.fotki.com/townsend-maine
Updated 5/31
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