Tuesday 29 July 2014

[Maine-birds] 2-3 White-Faced Ibis Scarborough Marsh 7/28

On the way back from the Pine Point co-op area last night, I stopped behind the Pelreco building and saw 2 or possibly 3 White-Faced Ibis around the back of the closest panne to the parking area amongst ~30 total Ibis. One bird was most certainly the bird Derek L. posted recently that looks much like the "bright faced" bird seen regularly in the spring with substantial fading around the face. The other bird or two did not appear to have any white around the face, but showed red around the face and red eyes. I photographed the "bright" one in the same frame as a dull bird that are certainly both WFIB's, but the possible 3rd bird I cannot confirm 100% as WFIB. I cannot rule out the possibility of hybrid with the 3rd due to the poor lighting amongst very dark clouds and the high amount of noise in the photos. There were also 2 fledgling Ibis amongst the group, which cannot safely be identified to either species at that age.

The numbers of shorebirds when I was at the co-op was very good. I never had an opportunity to get an accurate count on birds due to a Peregrine Falcon terrorizing the flats, but I am guessing that the numbers have grown in the last couple of days. 300 + terns (mostly Common) filled the skies alongside the many mixed flocks of flushing shorebirds.

Bird haahd,
Noah Gibb-Portland


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