Saturday 26 July 2014

[Maine-birds] Pectoral Sandpiper and a swarm of swallows at Addison

At mid-tide this morning we were at the Addison boat landing and noticed lots and lots of swallows in the air.  They were flying overhead at different heights and at one point several were perched on the power line that leads to the boat landing light.  The majority of swallows were Barn and Cliff, but also saw one Bank Swallow and a number of Rough-winged and Tree Swallows.  We saw all but the Bank Swallow on the power line.
Also, a flock of 80+ Semi-palmated Sandpipers were moving around accompanied by 26 Short-billed Dowitchers,  4 Greater Yellowlegs and one Lesser Yellowlegs.   And then - the best - one Pectoral Sandpiper that joined the yellowlegs on the mud across from the boat landing.  Perhaps this is the one that Bob Duchesne reported?????
Addison marshes continue to delight!
Merle and Anne Archie
Harringon, ME

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