Wednesday 30 December 2015


A young HARRIER scanned the island this morning and continued on its way, bucking the wind towards Grand Manan.
The interesting thing about the brief visit was the interaction between the raptor and the few dozen PURPLE SANDPIPERS.
The predator seemed to ignore the prey.
The prey in turn, flew just under and ahead of the Harrier, easily close enough for a strike, for nearly a mile.
That's about as close as you get to "bearding the lion".

Now it gets more interesting.
While writing this, a second HARRIER, an adult male, cruised the length of the island.
He flared several times at grounded sandpipers near the water but he continued off shore, again towards Grand Manan.
And again a flock of PURPLE SANDPIPERS were ignored as they flew close escort.

Sooooooooooo. 2 Harriers before noon. Post now or wait to see if another arrives?

Well, I waited and, after about 3 hours, I did see a second adult Harrier, making 3 for the day. All were headed towards Grand Manan.

While keeping an eye out for raptors, a couple SNOW BUNTINGS stopped by the patio for a bit of millet.
I had single Buntings there a couple times yesterday during the height of the storm.
Today their companion ranks as Bird Of The Day: a single LAPLAND LONGSPUR.

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