Saturday 31 December 2016

[Maine-birds] Highlights of our section of the Thomaston-Rockland CBC, 12.31.16

For maybe the 18th year in a row now, my husband Paul and I surveyed our section of the Thomaston-Rockland CBC circle, which includes the Rockland Breakwater, grounds of the Samoset Resort in Rockport, the beach end of Clam Cove, and a vast crazy amount of field and forest territory between Chickawaukie Lake and Beechwood St. in Thomaston. We were joined this year by Brian Willson, Gail Presley, Debbie Rapp, and Margaret McLeod. 

Highlights of our section included: 

Purple Sandpiper - 4, Rockland Breakwater
Northern Harrier - 1, flying out over outer Rockland Harbor beyond the breakwater 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1, new for our section (since we've been doing it), in Achorn Cemetery in Rockland
Rusty Blackbird - 5, in the wetlands between Old County Rd. and W. Meadow St., Rockland

​We tallied 41 species total, which was low for our section. ​No cool irruptives seen. No warblers this year (tough to top last year's Yellow-throated Warbler). No turkeys! But a very good time was had by all. Thank you, team! 

And Happy New Year to birders everywhere--don't forget, your Big Year could start tomorrow!


Kristen Lindquist

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." 
--Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

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