Saturday 26 May 2018

[Maine-birds] Monhegan, 5.25-5.26.18

Back on the island for another long weekend, this time with my husband Paul Doiron. Rough ride out from Port Clyde, but we did see a puffin fly by. Yesterday afternoon on the island was pretty quiet, so we spent much of our time hiking, but we also found a few birds. 

Friday highlights included:
-Mother Mallards with wicked cute ducklings (at least two different families)
-Green Heron and Spotted Sandpiper at the Ice Pond (saw 3 SPSA there today)
-Black-billed Cuckoo posing nicely in an apple tree along the Meadow
-Eastern Bluebird near the Monhegan House
-Winter Wren in Cathedral Woods
-Big flock(s?) of Cedar Waxwings
-continuing flock(s?) of Red Crossbills. Others reported White-winged also, but I haven't had any luck getting on them.
-2 Am. Woodcocks calling up on Lighthouse Hill after sunset
-Presumed Sora calling after dark in the Meadow, though the call was not immediately recognizable as a Sora (peeper-like but less strident than usual)

Heard that a PROTHONOTARY WARBLER had been seen over the past two days, including yesterday morning, near the Ice Pond; we had no luck turning it up and I haven't heard any reports of it being seen since we arrived. Also yesterday Oen Kennedy reported a BOREAL CHICKADEE with 2 Black-capped Chickadees on the White Head Trail. Several people tried to relocate it with no luck, although I heard a rumor that it had been seen again today by someone.

Intermittent rain today but warm temps. Clearly many more birds came in over the night, including approximately half the world's population of Red-eyed Vireos, which are everywhere, rivaled in numbers only by Blackpoll Warblers. Many more birders arrived today, too, so I'm sure there's a lot more to add to what I've seen so far.  

Today's highlights included:
-Several (6+) singing Tennessee Warblers
-Several Cape May Warblers (2-3), including at least one bright adult male
-1 each Bay-breasted and Nashville Warblers
-Baltimore Orioles
-1 male Scarlet Tanager 
-Field Sparrow on the road to Jamie Wyeth's house (thanks, Derek!)
-2-3 E. Bluebirds
-1 each PHILADELPHIA VIREO and Blue-headed Vireo (We missed Warbling V. but others saw one.)
-Singing Indigo Bunting

Scott Surner reported a male SUMMER TANAGER flying over the road up to the lighthouse. 

No pheasants. 


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