Monday 28 May 2018

[Maine-birds] Monhegan birds, 5.27-5.28.18

The last day and a half on Monhegan Island (we left on the 12:30 boat today) was quieter, bird-wise, than the previous couple of days, but what was around to be found was interesting. 

Most unexpected was a single BRANT located by Derek Lovitch and his group today on Nigh Duck. We had just enough time to see it for ourselves before our boat left dock. 

Other highlights included:

-Long-tailed Duck - 1 drake in the harbor this morning but previously seen by others in Lobster Cove
-Great Blue Heron - 1 fly-by this morning
-At least 5 Spotted Sandpipers, seen in the Ice Pond and along the shore near Pebble Beach
-Continuing displaying Am. Woodcocks in the ballfield and around the lighthouse (at least 2 birds)
-ATLANTIC PUFFIN - 1 seen from the boat this afternoon
-Great Crested Flycatcher - 1 
-Warbling Vireo - 1 yesterday and today (the millions of Red-eyed Vireos that we had seen on Saturday had almost all flown the coop by Sunday a.m.)
-C. Raven acrobatics over Manana (pair)
-Brown Thrasher - at least 2 singing today near the brewery
-N. Mockingbird - Paul spotted 1 this morning, probably the same one seen flying in from Manana yesterday
-Field Sparrow - at least 2 yesterday: 1 singing in the Meadow; 1 continuing on birdseed in the road near Jamie Wyeth's house
-White-crowned Sparrow - 1 feeding with the FISP yesterday; 1 singing this morning
-Pine Siskin - at least 1 in with a flock of AMGO yesterday

Also, trip total of only 16 warbler species, but that included in the past two days: 
-multiple singing Tennessees (at least 2 singing this a.m.)
-fem. Cape May seen yesterday
-Bay-breasted - 1 fem. seen yesterday; 1 male seen today
-Prairie - 1 heard today
-and who doesn't love watching Yellow Warblers singing among the apple blossoms?

-And many Harbor Seals romping in the waves off Pebble Beach yesterday a.m.

With several tour groups on the island, I know people are seeing a lot more than I've been reporting. But that's my small slice of what's been happening out there, which doesn't encompass any of the other wonders and joys of spending time on the island.  


Kristen Lindquist

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." 
--Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

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