Thursday 29 November 2018

[Maine-birds] RE: Great Black Hawk info? (roost?)

Hey Macklin,

              No sure if you saw my last post. My son and I were the last to leave after dark. The hawk had pulled up in a tree across from 132 Park Avenue. In my earlier post I had incorrectly stated Park St. Below is the aerial of Deering Oaks Park where the bird was all day. It stayed pretty much inside this red circle. When I viewed it around noon to 1PM it was in the trees in the northern edge of the circle and when I came back with my son around 3:30 it was in the tree just north west of the center of the circle. I am guessing you wont be alone there tomorrow so there will likely be more sightings posted tomorrow. It did get into a scuffle with a Red Tailed Hawk at dusk. The eventually disengaged and the RT hawk flew away towards King Middle School. Not sure if it comes back it may chase this hawk away from its territory. Safe travels and good luck!


From: Macklin Smith <>
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2018 5:48 PM
Subject: Great Black Hawk info? (roost?)




Please forgive my emailing several of you--whom I don't know!  I gleaned your email addresses from the Maine listserve, not being on your google-groups list.  The reason I am writing is that I am flying from Michigan into Portland this evening, and as of now I've not picked up any info on whether the Great Black Hawk has roosted.  If you know, I'd be very grateful if you'd either respond to this email or report it on the Maine list serve.  Or test me at the phone # below?  Thanks in advance!!!


All best,




Macklin Smith

Department of English

University of Michigan






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