Sunday 19 December 2021

[Maine-birds] Return of BARNACLE GOOSE for Thomaston-Rockland CBC

The MacGillivray's Warbler in MacDougal Park in Rockland was not relocated today for the Thomaston-Rockland CBC—although Evan Obercian did re-find yesterday's ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER, along with a YELLOW-BREASTED CHAT. But Don Reimer did fortuitously come upon the erstwhile BARNACLE GOOSE—which hadn't been seen since late November— in my CBC count area! The goose was with a small group of Canada Geese at the Rt. 17 public boat launch on Chickiwaukie Lake, grazing under the picnic tables. It eventually flew off, but has presumably been hanging out locally in a less visible spot than a football field. 

If you go looking for the goose at Chickawaukie, bring a scope to also check out the ducks. (As long as the lake remains unfrozen.) We had over 70 Ring-necked Ducks, with some Greater and Lesser Scaups mixed in, along with dozens of Hooded and Common Mergs, and 4 RUDDY DUCKS: 9 species of duck altogether, along with a lingering Double-crested Cormorant, and a small pod of Am. Coots. 

Other count highlights for my section: a Northern Shrike off West Meadow Rd., 3 Purple Sandpipers on the breakwater. 


Kristen Lindquist

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