Tuesday, 12 June 2012

[Maine-birds] help with heron ID please

Walked the Eastern Trail section through the Scarb. Marsh this afternoon.  Was kindly clued into a Saltmarsh Sparrow sighting and found it moving between a couple low stumps on the north side of the trail just before entering the wooded section.  Never would have seen it without knowing it was there.

Also saw a imm. heron with pale grey splotched over a white base, dark (nearly black) beak, dark eye, greyish legs and brilliant blue lores.  But for the dark eye and very striking blueness of the lore (not blue-gray...deep, cerulean blue color), I would have pinned it as an imm. Little Blue, but I am wondering if it could be an imm. Tri-colored instead.  I have looked at many photos of both birds and cannot make a definite ID.  Thanks for any input.

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