At midday today, I found three LITTLE GULLS roosting with 44 Bonaparte's Gulls on a rocky ledge off the western side of Lords Point. This is at the southwest end of Kennebunk Beach. The birds were collected here during high tide, but at least one was seen by Doug as late as 1:30, which would be about 2 hrs 45 minutes after the high at Portland today. These were all immatures showing blackish bars on the upper wing, but this is largely hidden at rest, only a very black tertial showing. The crowns are more extensively dark than Bonaparte's, and the birds are obviously much smaller.
I briefly saw a bird that might have been an immature Black-headed Gull here but could not confirm that. This bird showed a pinkish-red bill with a dark tip and was obviously larger than the Bonaparte's Gulls but otherwise similar in plumage. Something to look for if anyone goes there.
Louis Bevier
Maine birds mailing list
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