Tuesday, 5 June 2012

[Maine-birds] Super Sanford Sewerage Swallow Show!

Hi all,
Two immature BONAPARTE'S GULLS were good birds for the season inland, and a single drake Ring-necked Duck and adult-plumaged Common Loon were also present. Shorebirds were limited to locally-breeding Spotted Sandpipers and Killdeer.

However, the highlight was the fantastic concentration of swallows foraging low over the water. Typical in late July and August, this seems like an exceptional concentration for late spring:
600 Tree Swallow
100 Bank Swallow
75 Barn Swallow
2 Northern Rough-winged Swallow
1 Cliff Swallow

In addition, 20+ Chimney Swifts afforded the opportunity to view them from above.

-Derek and Jeannette
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

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