Saturday 3 November 2012

[Maine-birds] titmice and red-bellied woodpeckers, oh my!

I was up on the roof on the old family homestead in Appleton (Knox Co.) this afternoon, cleaning and repointing the chimney, and had a bird's eye view of the yard birds.  Among the usual feeder birds were a pair of red-bellied woodpeckers and several tufted titmice.  As a kid and young adult I used to spend countless hours observing the birds there, and of course never had those 'southern' birds in the yard back then.  I know this ain't profound or nuthin', 'cause just about everyone in Maine has these birds and other southerly birds (e.g. Carolina wrens, cardinals) in their yards now, but it still just doesn't seem right to have those birds (and Japanese beetles and ticks) on the old family place.  Heck, I recorded my first titmouse a few weeks ago at my house in Baring (next to Calais).  Don't these birds know that climate change is just a myth?  I know it is because Fox news tells me it is.  Happy Election Day!
--Ray Brown--


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