Wednesday 26 October 2016

[Maine-birds] Northern Maine Birds: BARNACLE GEESE, Greater White-fronted Goose, Pine Grosbeak

I was able to get out in the field for a couple of hours today.

So...  There were a pair of Barnacle Geese at Lake Josephine in Easton early this afternoon.  They were in the back of the northwest corner with about 800 Canadas and I was able to get some poor digiscoped images.  These appeared to be adult birds, like the Caribou (and, I believe, the pair now being seen in New York).  Hmm...  Though odds are these are the same birds that spent 10  days at Collins Pond and then vanished 5 days ago,  I'm a bit reluctant now to make a call (whether these are the same individuals) until I get some better looks.  A nice surprise...and a 33rd waterfowl species for Lake Jo!

Other notable birds at Lake Jo were a Cackling Goose, 60+ lingering Gadwall, 2 late Northern Shovelers, a Red-necked Grebe, a juvie Iceland Gull, a couple Buffleheads and a first-of-the-season flyover Snow Bunting.

A Cackling Goose was in the pond in downtown Limestone and Trafton Lake had a late White-rumped and several Pectoral Sandpipers.  Another first-for-the-season was a vocal Pine Grosbeak that stopped at the park for moment then continued southward, calling as it went.

The Greenland Greater White-fronted Goose was still at the pond in Mars Hill, as were the two neck collared Canada Geese from Greenland.

A Northern Goshawk and Northern Shrike on the outskirts of Fort Fairfield were also worth mentioning.


Bill Sheehan
Woodland, Aroostook Co., Maine

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