Saturday 2 June 2018

[Maine-birds] 2 Brown Boobies reported off Monhegan, 6/1

Hi all,

Just to add more intrigue to the developing saga, my friend Gabriel Willow and his New York City Audubon tour had what they believed were two Brown Boobies from Monhegan yesterday morning. I, and others, admittedly tried to talk him out of it. But here were his notes from eBird:

Putting these in the "wish I'd gotten a closer look" column. Scanning offshore to SE with Swarovski ATX 85, 5:50am, saw birds diving far offshore & assumed gannets. Proportions seemed off for Northern Gannet though: long tail (almost like feet projecting on a Green Heron), deeper seeming wingbeats than a Gannet, all-dark with crisp white belly & wing linings. Tail looked longer than bill. Couldn't determine bill color. Circling, diving, occasionally landing on water. Full disclosure: I've never seen a Brown Booby before. But I've seen thousands of Northern Gannets in all plumages... I know this probably isn't sufficient documentation for the records committee, but hope the rare bird filter being triggered will encourage others to keep an eye out. Birds were headed NE.

His text to me said "...maybe they'll turn up at MDI or something."

I texted him my mea culpa as soon as I read the report from today.



 Derek and Jeannette Lovitch

 Freeport Wild Bird Supply

 541 Route One, Suite 10

 Freeport, ME 04032




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