Monday 25 June 2018

[Maine-birds] Recent Mt. Desert Rock Sightings

Hi all, 

This summer, I'm set up on Mt. Desert Rock 18+ miles off of MDI recording sightings of Cetaceans, seals, and birds for College of the Atlantic. I've only been here for 4.5 days, but it's already been pretty amazing out here. First off, our first whale and dolphin sightings pf the season were today with a Fin Whale and at least 2 dolphin sp. seen 10+ miles to the SW. 

Then come the birds. 

Yesterday 6/24/18 seemed to be a fairly slow day with a few Sooty and Great Shearwaters until I noticed a largish dark bird sitting on the water. After a couple of minutes it flew and turned out to be a South Polar Skua (more details and photos in this checklist) 

Then today, with 19-21 mph winds coming out of the NNW, I figured it would be a good day for shearwaters, and I turned out to be right. I birded from the lighthouse for most of the morning and had great results which included: 102 Sooty Shearwaters, 123 Great Shearwaters, 1 Cory's Shearwater, 2 Northern Fulmars, 24 Northern Gannets, and 6 Wilson's Storm-Petrels (low due to moderate waves). Later on as sunset came, a Ruddy Turnstone landed and a Manx Shearwater came within 200 ft of the eastern shore, which was quite a treat. Here's the checklist for today:

Other regulars include Common Murres, Black Guillemots, Atlantic Puffins and the occasional Razorbill for alcids. Both Common and Arctic Terns make daily appearances. A Red-breasted Nuthatch has also been around since last Thursday and possibly longer. 

Stay tuned for more as the season progresses. 

Good Birding,

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