Sunday 15 May 2022

[Maine-birds] Snow and Rails

As I sweltered in yesterday’s 90 degree heat, I couldn’t help but remember what happened two years earlier. It was Maine Audubon’s Big Day – part of the World Series of Birding. The winter storm started at 3 a.m. while we were chasing barred owls on a rural road near Bangor, and continued until we made our last attempt at a saw-whet owl near home at 9 p.m. An all-day winter.


But what really brought it to mind is that I just finished a video on rails: (27) Sneaky Virginia Rail and Sora - YouTube, and reflected that two years ago, the soras arrived much earlier. They seemed quite delayed this year. Virginia rails appeared to be on time, but numbers seem low. Maybe it just hasn’t snow enough this month.


Bob Duchesne



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